Something To Live By II
So there's speculation that I was hinting something to someone regarding my post Something To Live By.
For the record, I have said this quote every single day since I was 16 (maybe 17). In fact, I may be getting 2 tattoos this weekend, and I want that quote. I wanted to get feedback from people, and see some reactions.
This world is already fucked with bad karma! So I ask every single one of you reading this blog to not feed into sorrow of others. I am the most blunt person ever, and I don't speculate and speak for other people. If I wanted to say something, I would say it brutally, honestly and bluntly!
Remember, life is too short... The glass isn't half empty. The glass isn't half filled. It's just there- half way!
I find the glass half full and I against the tattoo. I don't like large tattoos.
I respect people who speak their mind and don't hide the fear of consequence.
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